Equine-Assisted EMDR Trainings now open! Learn more

EquiLateral EA-EMDR Q/A & Consult


For those of you who are already EquiLateral: The Equine Assisted EMDR Protocol trained practitioners, I will be holding a private online EA-EMDR Q and A / Consult Group on Friday, May 10th, 10 AM - 12:30 PM Phoenix time. Max 20 participants.

Any consultation-related, business-related, EquiLateral: The Equine Assisted EMDR Protocol-related consult needs, this is the time to jump in! 

Please complete the consulting agreement and associated form found on Panda Doc to indicate what you would like support and consultation around. This is a great networking event for you as well!

After completing your non-refundable payment, please also complete the following consult agreement and inquiry document on Panda Doc. You will be transferred to a separate site to complete it:



Online Class

For more information, call us at (480) 370-7630